It’s a brand new year, and what better way to ring in 2018 than by giving one of your favorite rooms a quick makeover? Colorful pillows, patterned rugs, plants, wall art, table books – all great ways to begin the transformation. Read on for tips and tricks on how to quickly and affordably transform a room for the new year.
How To Give An Old Room A New Makeover
Start your refresh by removing all accessories from the room – if it isn’t furniture, drapes, or rugs, move it to a central spot like your kitchen table. Then, take a fresh look at the room. If space allows, you can rearrange the furniture. Just moving things around can make a huge impact and make it feel like a new space. Plus, it gives you the opportunity to clean under the sofa and chair cushions.
Next, look at the items you removed from the space. Are they things you love and want to keep in the room? Or maybe its clutter that needs to be corralled into baskets or stored away like toys or old magazines? Decide what will go back into the room, but try the items in a different place. Use pillows and throws in a different arrangement or on another piece of furniture. Changing things up will give the impression of a completely different room. Move lamps to a different location in the room or switch them out for new ones – if new lamps aren’t in the budget, try a different lamp shade.
Look through other areas in your home to shop for items you can repurpose. If you are the DIY type, paint something to add to the refreshed room décor – it can be as simple as painting an old picture frame or vase. Purchase nailhead trim from a local craft store and add it to an ottoman or chair to renew the piece. We all grow tired of looking at the same thing, so any rearrangement or addition will brighten up the space.
What Color Combos Work For A New Room
After sorting and cleaning are finished, decide if you want to freshen the room’s color scheme. If you have neutral wall and furniture colors, it’s easy to change pillows and other accessories to create a different mood. Using bright colors and geometric prints will modernize any space. These vibrant hues and patterns were also popular 50 years ago, so they are frequently available at thrift stores.
A new way to add an unlimited variety of color to your room is smart LED bulbs. They can be used in recessed lighting, lamps, or overhead fixtures. The bulbs offer 16 million color choices in one bulb, and the color can be changed by an app on any device. Good lighting enhances any room and these popular bulbs are also dimmable even without a pre-wired dimmer switch.
The Benefits Of Plants In Your Space
Add something green to the space. Plants make a room feel alive and naturally fresh. Even a small plant on a side table will add texture and a pop of color. Choose plants that are easy to care for and that will thrive in diffused light. Real plants are ideal because they filter the room’s air; however, if you don’t have a gardener’s touch, another option is realistic greenery or branches that require zero maintenance.
How To Properly Incorporate New Rugs Into A Space
If your budget allows purchasing a new rug, ensure you choose one that is the proper size for the room. Having a rug that is too small is one of the most common decorating mistakes. A large rug makes the space feel larger and more comfortable.
If you have hardwood floors that could use refinishing, but if that project isn’t possible in the near future, try painting your floor. Painting them a neutral shade will open the space and make the room feel new until that refinishing project makes it to the top of your wish list.
How To Make A Subtle Statement With Wall Art
Create a gallery wall to put your favorite memories on display. You can choose frames that are all the same, or go on a treasure hunt at thrift stores to find an eclectic mix of frame styles to use. Another easy option for wall art is framing pieces of fabric or wallpaper. Choose a coordinating color scheme and pop them into a frame you already have or select inexpensive frames with white matting from a craft store.
If you love the look of wallpaper, but don’t have the time or budget to install, try stenciling one accent wall. Whatever style you want, local craft stores have a wide variety of stencils that are easy to do and budget friendly.
If your space needs a total remodel or a minor refresh, contact us or stop by our showroom. The Guest Room has plenty of decorative options to refresh any room in your home and our designers are here to help with any project.